Media Kit

Here's a handy link to our logos and other brand assets.

You're welcome to use these files for professional purposes. We request that you don't use these files in a misleading way, for example by suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Akahu. Akahu reserves the right to revoke permission to use these files at any time.

If you're looking for something else, or have questions about these files, please get in touch.

Akahu brand assets
Image of people

You can choose to connect your bank, KiwiSaver, investment, and other financial accounts.

Image showing the flow of connecting your data securely to another product, and staying in control of those connections via MyAkahuImage showing the steps for a consumer to connect their data, share is securely, and have ongoing visibility and control of that connection.

Talk with us

Our team is here to answer any questions that you may have.

Get in touch